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November 2019

 Ambassador  Aviram is participating in WATEC Israel hosts a delegation of EYDAP and leading a round table on Water and Politics. 

November 2019

 Ambassador  Aviram is opening the conference of inauguaration of the map archive of the Tel Chai academic college 

November 2019

 BIT is leading a senior innovation and Technology delegation of the largest telecom provider to Tel Aviv - resulting in a good number of cooperation initiatives with Israeli technology companies 

October 2019

 Ambassador Aviram participates in the meeting of the of the adivosary board X-Grant Project of Texas A&M U. at San-Antonio - the aim is establishing a manual for decision making process for desalination and water re-use

September 2019

 Ambassador Aviram and the Lowe Jordan River Rehabilitation Administration launching the implementation phase of the LJR development project

March 2019

 Ambassador Aviram lectures at Texas A&M U. School of Law and at College Station as a key-note speaker at the 6th annual water lectures series

March 2019

 Ambassador Aviram teaches a course on Hydro-Diplomacy at UNESCO Chair CON-E-ACT at Eastren Makdonia and Thrace Institute of Technology, the MSC program of water resources management.

March 2019

Bit and Dome in cooperation with the Economist held a conference in Athens on TAKING CYBERSPHERE TO THE NEXT LEVEL: A peek into the future boardroom. More than 300 top Greek private sector mangers participated.

February 2019

Ambassador Aviram held a workshop with faculty and students of Virginia U. and gave a keynote address on Hydro-politics in the Jordan Basin at the Darden Business School for The Global Water Initiative’s sixth Edition of the World Water Events.

January 2019

BIT and the IT integrator Intrasoft International finishes successfully a pilot of the Israeli waste water management system KANDU with EYDAP - Athens Water Utility

December 2018

BIT organizes and lead a study tour and workshops for Zelikow School of Jewish Nonprofit Management (Los Angeles) in Israel on NGO activities. The program includes a full day role-play in Jordan Valley on Jordan rehabilitation issues.   

November 2018

 Ambassador Aviram teaches a course on Hydro-Politics at Athens U. post graduate program on Strategic Studies.

October 2018

Ambassador Aviram participates in Environment and Security Research and the U.S. National Security Community workshop in National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV led by Prof. Geoff Dabelko, Ohio University

August 2018

 BIT facilitate the connection between large natural gas distribution utility with Israeli technology companies in order to check water network applications for gas distribution network.

July 2018

BIT organized joint meeting of Israeli – Greek technology companies in various sectors including water and fin-tech.

 June 2018

BIT and DOME consulting organize the Israeli-Greek Smart-City event in Athens

May 2018

Ambassador (ret) Aviram lectures to a group of senior law students from TEXAS U. led by Prof. Ackerstien

March 2018

Ambassador (ret) Aviram participates in an Israeli-Palestinian water expert meeting organized by the Geneva Initiative and the Swiss Aid Agency   

March 2018

BIT hosts the BASECAMP startup leaders in Greece for study tour at the startup eco-system  

February 2018

Ambassador (ret) Aviram lectures the hydro-political course at Tel Chai Academic College 

January 2018

BIT hosts together with the Jordan River Rehabilitation Administration a study tour for the Architect Department of WIZO Haifa as a preparatory act for Architect competition on ideas for North Jordan Valley rehabilitation project

December 2017

BIT hosts together with the Jordan River Rehabilitation Administration the Water-Delegation of JNF USA in North Jordan Valley 

November 2017

BIT hosts the CEO of HAGICHON the water utility of Jerusalem for an experience sharing  meetings with leading water entities in Greece

November 2017

BIT and DOME consulting organizes a one-day awareness workshop on CYBER security and public crises management in Athens hosting leading Israeli experts

October 2017

BIT facilitate the first business tour of the Greek telemetric solution company LINK form Thessaloniki to explore potential business opportunity in Israel

September 2017

BIT facilitate the launch of KANDO waste-water solution in cooperation with Intrasoft International at EYDAP the water utility of Athens 

September 2017

Ambassador (ret) Aviram leads a Greek governmental - private sector delegation to Watech Israel

August 2017

Ambassador (ret) Aviram participates in a high-level hydro-political workshop in Barcelona organized  ​by The Middle-East Desalination Research Center of Oman

July 2017

BIT leads a special study tour for a leading shipping company Signal Marine to a specialized software solution industry in Israel 

July 2017

Ambassador (ret) Aviram lectures at special meeting of world leadership of Deutche-Telecom on - technolgy in the service of utilities

September 2016

Presentation on the role of the private sector in transboundary water resources management at the Round Table at the University of Peace, The Hague

Nov 2016

BIT – Consultancy on behalf of the Lower Jordan River Rehabilitation Project organized a seminar for Jordanian representatives from the agricultural sector presenting water efficiency use and state of the art agricultural technologies for use at the Jordan River.

December 2016

Ambassador (ret) Aviram lectures at the H2OIsrael JNF mission to Israel on "From War over Water to Water of Peace" 

February 2017

BIT organized a trans-boundary water management workshop for International Relations post graduate students of Peloponnesus University

March 2017

- BIT organized a 16 hour trans-boundary water management seminar for professionals at IDIS, the International Relations Institute of Pantheon University​ 

April 2017

Ambassador (ret) Aviram gave a special presentation in the context of Essen the Environment Capital of Europe on Water policy in Israel and the importance of cooperation on shared water resources.

May 2017

Ambassador Aviram lectures at Athens University - a course at the post-graduate program for strategic studies 

June 2017 

BIT and DOME join forces with Nest for a two days workshops on effective negotiations for high-top mangement and

ex-cabinet ministers.​

July 2017

BIT leads a special study tour for a leading shipping company Signal Marine to a specialized software solution industry in Israel 

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